Tue 21 Jan
Late Night Specials :) Bad Petite Redbone $35,$40$60,$100 ☆☆☆☆ - 22
(Columbia, west columbia sc/ airport blvd in&out;)
;) Ive Been A Bad Girl Come Spank Me ;) 60 Specials All Day ;) - 20
(Columbia, ;) Ur Place Or Mine ;))
Late Night FUN. Latin Playmate...A T@$te Of This Will Have You Addicted... $60 Specials Its BedTime - 22
🍒LEILANI🍒Sexy White Girl🍒HOTTEST & BEST IN TOWN♨New # Available Now In CALLS Columbia💋 - 29
(Columbia, Columbia SC Convenient In Calls)
It's Amy Lynn *** New Number *** 3 New Web site's *****New Pics **** New Review ***New Attitude - 30
(In or out 30 mins or less)
*°★©° ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °★©° ((=HOT=)) °o©° $ SPeCiALS - 23
(near las vegas blvd incalls)
*ILL MAKE U WANT MORE**let* me *make ur night!!***MIZZ AALIYAH - 22
(Kansas City, incalls and outcalls)
incall only come a get your specials sexy white girl available 24/7 - 23
(Columbia, columbia/ greystone)
EXOTIC RedBone ::: »-(¯`v´¯)- » 100% REAL !!!! NiCE BIG AZZ!!!!! - 24
(Columbia, in calls /out calls)
😘 DuTcHEs👅👑🌷💦☔ Body full of tattoos💧Dimples and piercings👯) time to play💓💕 BlaCk InK💉☔ - 23
(Columbia, St Andrews... in columbia sc)
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: Wet P%&Sy; AlerT MoRe BaNg FoR YoUr BuCk :*☆¨: VISITING - 21
(let me come see you)
Great attitude! Great reviews and a Great special!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
Having You Been Geting Treated Like A King Well Call Tiffany Now ;) $35qv Petite Hottie - 22
(Columbia, airport blvd incalls)
Can you ROCK my world this weekend? Blonde curvy model Reviewed & VERIFIED - 24
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Outcall)
🌟▓▓ OUT/IN ▓▓ SEXY _ Red-Head ▓▓ GIRL _ NEXT _ DOOR ▓▓ Down _ To _ Earth ▓▓ FULL _ OF _ LIFE ▓▓🌟 - 25
(¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'Gã P€åçh Ÿōür Chocolat€ €BON¥`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) -R¤S€€ Specials - 28
(Columbia, Garner's Ferry/SURROUNDING AREAS)
💋NEW IN TOWN💋 100% discrere!💋Come Over N Let Me Ease Your Mind💋 - 24
(Cincinnati, North Cincinnati incall)
DOMiNiCAN TREAT🚫40$pclz🚫 CurVy!💙Ŧ0XI₡💚💛 $ŦIMULAŦI₦G 💝🌹Mo$Ŧ💖🍭₩Ạ₦Ŧ€D ➓➓➓Melissa Foxx - 20
(Broad River, Columbia)
✈° FLiGHT TO ✈° (¯`• °SATiSFACTiON° •´¯)° ✈ BOARDiNG NOW!!❤(( 60 Specials)) - 36
(Columbia, west cola.)
Exotic and Passionate Fun
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, anywhere you want me!)
I N C A L L (north Kansas city mo) O U T C A L L (airport area)SPECIAL »»call now«« 816_778_5441 - 21
(Kansas City)
Diamond(let me start your week off with a diamond affair) $40NCALL SPECIAL - 22
(Columbia, Two Notch Upscale Location)
Exstacy Is But A PhoneCall Away... Very fetish friendly Burgundy - 30
(Columbia, columbia/broad river)
•°o♥o°• N@UgHtY. •°o♥o°• TeMpTaTiOnS •°o♥o°• 1oo sPeCiaLs! - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, santa clara / san jose / mountain view)
♡♥♡☆★☆come play with this sexy red head! ready to please u not tease u!♡♥♡☆★ - 25
(Columbia, harbison area(upscale area))
❤❤❤ $200 ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ $250 ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ $350 ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ SeXy KiNkY BLONDE ❤❤ - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip)
Mouth of the South👅👅👄☝👈👇👆👉Tight. 💦💦💋 SweeT.💎💎READ B4 U CALL 80 - 22
(All over Cincinnati Fairfield Springdale, Cincinnati)
!!~*HIGH Class Satisfaction;) •Skilled •Sexy •Playmate *Specials* Well REVIEWED ! ** ~ - 24
(Kansas City, KCMO (Westport Area))
$$ DA BEST @ It $$ / $UPER FREAK %%% Thick $exy Red Bone ~ WIT SKILL$ Ready Now - 25
💋🏆CertifieD FreaK🏆💋JaW DroppinG😮CuRvEs✔ PeTiTe➕SoFt ß○○t¥ 💋🏆Come Get it GeNtLeMeN🏆 - 28
(Columbia, St Andrews / Incalls)
$$ DA BEST @ IT $$$ »»» Dont MiSs $$$ THICK $€XY Red BONE ~ Ready Now - 25
Southern Sensual and Sophisticated Natural Redhead Independant! - 29
(Las Vegas, Strip and down town, The Strip)
Back in Columbia Tuesday Book Now‼️ 100% Really ME 60QV AVAILABLE NoW 💦FrEaKy UpScALE ❤️ Skylar Banks In town for FeW DaYs💦i - 22
(Columbia, Piney Grove)
**Brand New Fla Girl I am Totally Worth It U Wont Be Disappointed Only Serious Call's** - 27
(Columbia, West Columbia)
BUSH RIVER RD 💋 $50:60 QV💋BAD BOYS!! ▄▀ Lookin 4 Something SupaBad! ▀▄ / W/ 44" SUPAAZzzzZZz ! ▄▀ - 99
(Columbia, Near WalMart)
GOOD.*¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* GiRLS*¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* GoNE*¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* WiLD!! *¨¨* ×X× 24 HOURS!!
(24hrs incall/outcall...stadium area)
Newbie ....Young MIXED GOddess RedHead Companion 100hh ..Specials - 23
(East Bay, Oakland Emeryville sanleandro Hayward)